How to Succeed as a UGC Creator in 2023 and Beyond Tips and Strategies

 How to Become a UGC Creator in 2023 and Beyond


User-generated content (UGC) is any content created by users or customers of a brand, product, or service, rather than by the brand itself. UGC can include photos, videos, reviews, testimonials, social media posts, blogs, podcasts, and more. UGC is a powerful marketing tool that can help brands increase awareness, engagement, trust, and conversions. According to a report by Stackla, 79% of consumers say UGC influences their purchasing decisions1.

But what is a UGC creator? And how can you become one in 2023 and beyond? In this blog post, we will answer these questions and share some tips and strategies to help you succeed as a UGC creator.

What is a UGC Creator?

A UGC creator is someone who creates sponsored content that looks authentic and showcases a specific brand, product, or service. The most common format for UGC creators is video, especially on platforms like Instagram and TikTok. UGC creators usually film and narrate the content from their perspective, which gives it an authentic feel.

Unlike influencers, who are paid to create and share content with their own audience, UGC creators create and deliver content to brands without the obligation to post it on their channels (although some UGC deals may include this for an extra fee). UGC creators also tend to produce less polished and professional content than influencers, which helps to preserve the authenticity of UGC.

UGC creators are in high demand in 2023 and beyond, as more and more brands realize the value of UGC for their marketing campaigns. According to a survey by Bazaarvoice, 86% of brands and retailers believe that more authentic UGC in their paid and owned media would improve the performance of their ads and content2. UGC creators can benefit from this trend by offering their services to brands and getting paid for their work.

How to Become a UGC Creator in 2023 and Beyond

If you want to become a UGC creator in 2023 and beyond, here are some steps and tips to follow:

1. Identify your niche and target audience

The first step to becoming a UGC creator is to identify your niche and target audience. What are you passionate about? What are your skills and expertise? What kind of content do you enjoy creating and consuming? What kind of brands, products, or services do you use or want to use? These questions can help you narrow down your focus and find your unique voice and style as a UGC creator.

You also need to understand who your target audience is and what they are looking for. What are their pain points, needs, preferences, and interests? What kind of content do they engage with and trust? What kind of platforms do they use and how do they use them? These questions can help you create content that resonates with your audience and meets their expectations.

2. Build your portfolio and online presence

The next step to becoming a UGC creator is to build your portfolio and online presence. You need to showcase your work and skills to potential clients and collaborators. You can do this by creating your own website or blog, where you can display your previous projects, testimonials, and contact information. You can also use platforms like YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, or Fiverr to create and share your own content and grow your following.

Your portfolio and online presence should reflect your niche, target audience, and personal brand. You should also optimize your content for SEO and social media, using relevant keywords, hashtags, captions, and tags. This will help you increase your visibility and reach on search engines and social platforms.

3. Find UGC jobs from brands

The third step to becoming a UGC creator is to find UGC jobs from brands. There are different ways to do this, depending on your goals and preferences. You can:

Pitch directly to brands that you want to work with. You can do this by sending them a personalized email or message, introducing yourself, explaining why you are interested in working with them and showcasing your portfolio and online presence. You can also include a proposal or a sample of the content you can create for them, and your rates and terms.

Join UGC platforms or networks that connect UGC creators with brands. You can do this by signing up for platforms like AspireIQ, Tribe, or Influenster, where you can browse and apply for UGC campaigns from various brands. You can also join networks like UGC Collective or UGC Academy, where you can learn from other UGC creators, access resources and opportunities, and get support and feedback.

Work with agencies or intermediaries that manage UGC campaigns for brands. You can do this by contacting agencies like Stackla, Bazaarvoice, or Pixlee, which specialize in UGC marketing and offer UGC creation services. You can also work with intermediaries like UGC Creators or UGC Studio, that act as a bridge between UGC creators and brands, and handle the logistics and payments.

4. Create high-quality and authentic UGC

The fourth step to becoming a UGC creator is to create high-quality and authentic UGC. You need to deliver content that meets the expectations and requirements of the brand, as well as the needs and preferences of the audience. You also need to create content that stands out from the crowd and showcases your personality and creativity. Here are some tips to create high-quality and authentic UGC:

Follow the brief and guidelines provided by the brand. Make sure you understand the objectives, deliverables, deadlines, and specifications of the UGC campaign. If you have any questions or concerns, communicate with the brand and clarify them before you start working.

Use the product or service yourself and share your honest opinion and experience. Don’t just read the product description or watch the product video. Try the product or service yourself and see how it works, how it feels, and how it benefits you. Share your honest opinion and experience, highlighting the features, benefits, and drawbacks of the product or service. Don’t exaggerate or lie about the product or service, as this will damage your credibility and trustworthiness.

Use your own voice and style and add your personal touch. Don’t copy or imitate other UGC creators or influencers. Use your own voice and style and add your personal touch to your content. Show your personality, humor, emotions, and values. Make your content unique, original, and memorable.

Use high-quality equipment and editing tools. Don’t compromise on the quality of your content. Use high-quality equipment and editing tools to produce your content. For example, use a good camera, microphone, lighting, and tripod to record your video. Use editing tools like Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, or iMovie to edit your video. Use tools like Canva, Photoshop, or Lightroom to edit your photos. Use tools like Grammarly, Hemingway, or ProWritingAid to edit your text.

Optimize your content for SEO and social media. Don’t forget to optimize your content for SEO and social media, to increase your visibility and reach. Use relevant keywords, hashtags, captions, and tags to help your content rank higher on search engines and social platforms. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, or Moz to research keywords. Use tools like Hashtagify, RiteTag, or All Hashtag to research hashtags. Use tools like CoSchedule Headline Analyzer, BuzzSumo, or Sharethrough to write catchy titles and captions.

5. Measure and improve your UGC performance

The fifth and final step to becoming a UGC creator is to measure and improve your UGC performance. You need to track and analyze the results and feedback of your UGC campaigns and use them to improve your skills and strategies. Here are some tips to measure and improve your UGC performance:

Use analytics tools to monitor and evaluate your UGC metrics. Use analytics tools like Google Analytics, Facebook Insights, Instagram Insights, or TikTok Analytics to monitor and evaluate your UGC metrics. These metrics can include impressions, views, likes, comments, shares, saves, clicks, conversions, and more. These metrics can help you understand how your UGC performs and what impact it has on the brand and the audience.

Use feedback tools to collect and respond to UGC feedback. Use feedback tools like SurveyMonkey, Typeform, or Google Forms to collect and respond to UGC feedback. This feedback can include ratings, reviews, testimonials, suggestions, and complaints. This feedback can help you understand how your UGC satisfies or dissatisfies the brand and the audience, and what you can do to improve it.

Use learning tools to update and upgrade your UGC skills and knowledge. Use learning tools like Udemy, Skillshare, or Coursera to update and upgrade your UGC skills and knowledge. These tools can offer you courses, tutorials, and resources on various topics related to UGC creation, such as video production, photo editing, copywriting, SEO, social media, and more. These tools can help you learn new skills and techniques, and stay on top of the latest trends and best practices in UGC creation.


UGC creation is a lucrative and rewarding career option for anyone who loves creating content and working with brands. UGC creation can help you showcase your skills and expertise, express your creativity and personality, and earn money and recognition for your work. UGC creation can also help brands increase their awareness, engagement, trust, and conversions, and connect with their customers on a deeper level.

To become a UGC creator in 2023 and beyond, you need to follow these steps and tips:

  • Identify your niche and target audience
  • Build your portfolio and online presence
  • Find UGC jobs from brands
  • Create high-quality and authentic UGC
  • Measure

Identify your niche and target audience

The first step to becoming a successful UGC creator is to identify your niche and target audience. Your niche is the specific topic or category that you are passionate about and have expertise in. Your target audience is the group of people who are interested in your niche and who you want to reach with your content.

Some examples of niches are travel, beauty, fitness, gaming, fashion, food, etc. To find your niche, you can ask yourself these questions:

  • What are you good at or enjoy doing?
  • What are the problems or challenges that you can solve or help with?
  • What are the trends or opportunities that you can capitalize on?

To find your target audience, you can ask yourself these questions:

Who are the people who share your interests or needs?

What are their demographics, preferences, behaviors, and pain points?

Where do they hang out online and offline?

By identifying your niche and target audience, you can create a UGC that is relevant, valuable, and engaging for them.

Build your portfolio and online presence

The next step to becoming a UGC creator is to build your portfolio and online presence. Your portfolio is a collection of your best UGC that showcases your skills, style, and personality. Your online presence is the way you interact with your audience and potential clients on different platforms and channels.

To build your portfolio, you can:

Choose the type and format of UGC that suits your niche and audience, such as videos, photos, blogs, podcasts, etc.

Create a website or a landing page where you can display your UGC and provide your contact information and social media links.

Use tools like Canva, Adobe Spark, or WordPress to design and create your portfolio easily and professionally.

Update your portfolio regularly with new and fresh UGC that reflects your current work and achievements.

To build your online presence, you can:

Choose the platforms and channels that are relevant and popular for your niche and audience, such as Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Create and optimize your profiles with your name, bio, photo, and links to your portfolio and other platforms.

Post and share your UGC consistently and frequently on your platforms and channels, and use hashtags, keywords, and tags to increase your visibility and reach.

Engage with your audience and potential clients by responding to comments, messages, and feedback, and by joining communities and groups related to your niche.

Collaborate and network with other UGC creators, influencers, and brands in your niche and industry, and cross-promote your UGC and platforms.

By building your portfolio and online presence, you can showcase your UGC and establish your credibility and authority as a UGC creator.

Find UGC jobs from brands

The third step to becoming a UGC creator is to find UGC jobs from brands. UGC jobs are opportunities to create UGC for brands in exchange for compensation, such as money, products, services, or exposure. UGC jobs can help you monetize your UGC, grow your audience, and enhance your portfolio.

To find UGC jobs from brands, you can:

Search for UGC platforms and marketplaces that connect UGC creators with brands, such as Bazaarvoice, AspireIQ, Tribe, or Upfluence.

Browse and apply for UGC campaigns and projects that match your niche, skills, and rates, and follow the instructions and guidelines provided by the brands.

Negotiate and sign contracts and agreements with the brands, and ensure that you understand the terms and conditions, such as the deliverables, deadlines, payments, and rights.

Create and submit your UGC to the brands, and follow up with them for feedback, revisions, and approvals.

Promote and share your UGC on your platforms and channels, and tag and mention the brands.

By finding UGC jobs from brands, you can create UGC that is professional, profitable, and impactful.

Create high-quality and authentic UGC

The fourth step to becoming a UGC creator is to create high-quality and authentic UGC. High-quality UGC is a UGC that is clear, concise, and compelling, and that meets the expectations and requirements of your audience and clients. Authentic UGC is a UGC that is original, honest, and personal, and that reflects your voice and values.

To create high-quality and authentic UGC, you can:

Plan and research your UGC before you create it, and outline the main points, messages, and goals that you want to convey.

Use the best tools and equipment that you can afford, such as cameras, microphones, editing software, etc., and learn how to use them effectively and efficiently.

Follow the best practices and standards for your type and format of UGC, such as lighting, sound, framing, length, etc., and avoid common mistakes and errors.

Add value and creativity to your UGC, and use techniques such as storytelling, humor, emotion, data, etc., to make your UGC more engaging and memorable.

Be yourself and be transparent in your UGC, and share your opinions, experiences, and stories that are relevant and relatable to your audience and clients.

By creating high-quality and authentic UGC, you can create a UGC that is attractive, trustworthy, and influential.

Measure and improve your UGC

The fifth and final step to becoming a UGC creator is to measure and improve your UGC. Measuring your UGC is the process of tracking and analyzing the performance and results of your UGC, such as the views, likes, comments, shares, conversions, etc. Improving your UGC is the process of learning and applying the insights and feedback from your measurement to enhance your UGC.

To measure and improve your UGC, you can:

Use analytics tools and dashboards that are available on your platforms and channels, such as Instagram Insights, YouTube Analytics, Facebook Insights, etc., and monitor your UGC metrics and trends.

Use surveys and polls to ask your audience and clients for their opinions and suggestions on your UGC, and listen to their praises and criticisms.

Use A/B testing and experiments to compare and contrast different versions and variations of your UGC, and see which ones perform better and why.

Use benchmarks and goals to set and evaluate your UGC objectives and outcomes, and see how far you have come and how far you need to go.

Use best practices and tips from other UGC creators, experts, and resources, and learn from their successes and failures.

By measuring and improving your UGC, you can create a UGC that is effective, efficient, and evolving.

Conclusion Becoming a UGC creator in 2023 and beyond is a rewarding and challenging career path that requires passion, skill, and strategy. By following these steps and tips, you can create a UGC that is high-quality, authentic, and valuable for your audience and clients, and that can help you achieve your personal and professional goals as a UGC creator.


Stackla, The 2020 Consumer Content Report: Influence in the Digital Age,

- Bazaarvoice, The State of User-Generated Content 2021,

- Social Media Today, The Rise of User-Generated Content in 2021 [Infographic],


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